Professional Massage Therapy Association
The Florida State Massage Therapy Association (FSMTA) is the only association that works exclusively for massage therapists in Florida. FSMTA membership dues not only provide you with excellent benefits for yourself and your business, but also promote and protect the entire massage therapy profession in Florida. If you are searching for a job, a friend, a smart business idea, insurance, or news about massage therapy; then FSMTA is for you!
The FSMTA is the oldest professional massage therapy association in the country, founded in 1939. Since the beginning, the FSMTA has been involved in the legislative process concerning the massage therapy profession. FSMTA even organizes an annual event called Legislative Awareness Days. We have lobbyists, a legislative committee, and a Director of Legislative Affairs working year-round to protect your right to practice as a health care professional. One example of our legislative achievements is the legal name designation change from Masseur/Masseuse to Licensed Massage Therapist.

LMTs are not only subject to the laws of the government, but also to the rules of the Board of Massage Therapy. FSMTA maintains a presence at their meetings and provides information in the Legislative Update section of the FSMTA monthly newsletter. Look for detailed information in quarterly issues of the FSMTA Massage Message magazine. This free subscription is an effortless way to stay informed and connected.
Another great way to keep in touch is to attend your local chapter meetings. There are 19 chapters of the FSMTA throughout the state of Florida. By joining the FSMTA, you automatically become a member of your local chapter and receive chapter newsletters, at no extra cost. Chapter meetings provide you with a chance to network with neighboring therapists and help you get involved in community activities. Every year during Massage Therapy Awareness Week, chapters organize events to raise public consciousness about the benefits of massage therapy. You could also reach the public by joining your chapters Sports Massage Team or Seated Massage Team. Plus, chapter meetings offer free or low-cost continuing education programs, providing you credits towards your license renewal. Learning new massage modalities is also a great way to attract new clients. You can accomplish this not only by attending your local chapter meetings, but also by registering for the FSMTA annual convention, held in June or July of each year.
The FSMTA convention is the largest massage therapy convention and trade show in the U.S! It attracts internationally known speakers as well as major vendors of massage therapy products. Of course, FSMTA members receive significant discounts on registration. Our convention is a fun vacation where you can find great deals on items for your practice, build personal or business relationships, and learn cutting edge techniques from leaders in the massage therapy field.
In many ways, FSMTA can help you start your own business or grow your current one. One of the requirements for an establishment license is professional liability insurance. We offer an optional insurance program which provides national malpractice and premises coverage in just one policy. It is the most established program for massage insurance in the country.
FSMTA members can rest easy, knowing they have professional and legal support provided by the longest standing professional massage therapy association. Furthermore, becoming a member of the FSMTA helps us to succeed in our mission, To Unify the Massage Therapy Profession While Creating, Representing, and Promoting Standards of Excellence in Health Care. We’ve been there since the beginning, why not join us?